I have spent quite a bit of time playing with many of the dynamic elements in this assignment and I have searched the web for other examples, mostly dealing with graphics and controlling graphics with a mouse. I was dissatisfied with many of the dynamic elements because they only seemed to work in Internet Explorer or Firefox, but not both. Of course the ones in the assignment work in Internet Explorer since they came from a Microsoft website. Sometimes I had to adapt things a bit to get functionality in both. For example the display feature didn't work quite right in Firefox if I wanted to start the page with something not displayed and then let the user click to display it. In Firefox, you need to click twice (not double click, but 2 individual clicks) the first time you want to display the answers, because I had to make the text white to begin with since I could not make it not appear when the page first opens. (If I wanted to start with the answers already displayed and then click to remove the answers, and then keep clicking to toggle back and forth, then it worked fine, but I really wanted to start with the answers not displayed.) To satisfy the assignment I have included:

  1. Text color
  2. Text visibility
  3. Element positioning. I am still working on getting better control of the position, but at least I made something move.
  4. I'm experimenting with the shortcut icon, add to your favorites command (for IE only).
  5. Lastly, I am playing with graphics, however this is not from the website where we were supposed to do get ideas for this assignment, so just think of it as something extra. Also, I downloaded a graphics library that somebody else created so I can't say that I made all of the code. However the code that is on this page is created by me and I used code for the drawing functions that was built into the library by Walter Zorn at www.walterzorn.com.

If I had more time, I would put more dynamic elements in this part of the assignment. I could play with this stuff for a long time and indeed I have been playing with it every chance I got for about the last week and a half. There are so many to choose from (mouse over this sentence repeatedly)!

Click on each question to display the answer.
What is the name of the property that says you can switch the order of addition?
Commutative Property of Addition
What is the name of the property that says you can regroup when adding?
Associative Property of Addition

Click on this square.

Eventually, I would like to write some code where the user has more control of the graphics, but for now, just click on each command.
Select a color: Red, Blue, Green
Select line thickness:

Select a shape: