Target Heart Rate Calculator
Age This calculator uses the Karvonen method for calculating the zones and 220 minus your age for calculating your maximum heart rate. You can also take a cardiac stress test to calculate your maximum heart rate. If you have taken the cardiac stress test recently and you know your maximum heart rate, then you will want to enter 220 minus your maximun heart rate for the age instead of your real age.
Resting Heart Rate Your resting heart rate should be measured frequently especially when
beginning a fitness program since it will change as you get more fit. The best time to measure your resting heart rate is first thing in the morning before you get out of bed preferrably on a day when you wake up without being startled by an alarm clock or anything else. In other words, make sure you can see a clock or watch from your bed and when you wake up, take your pulse before you get out of bed. Count how many heart beats you have in one minute and use that number when you fill in the chart below. Probably the easiest place to find your pulse is in your neck on your carotid artery.
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