Examples, Right Poster
Key Radian Values, Addition of Ordinates, and the Random Sine Graph are illustrated in the second examples poster.
Key Radian Values helps reinforce the values that all trigonometry students need to learn because they are used to illustrate many concepts in a trigonometry course. These are the values that can be calculated exactly on the unit circle. This program helps students play with and learn those values as well as assess whether or not they have learned them.
The Addition of Ordinates is by far my most successful program to date. After students have completed this program, it is very rare for them to make a mistake on this concept on future tests. Students are given two random transformed sine graphs and then they are asked to drag 20 points to where they think the sum of the graphs would be, and then where the difference of the two graphs would be. When they click on the 'graph h' button, they find out how many of the points were in the correct spot. After a few tries at this program, students catch on to the idea and get about all of the points correct. This translates to students being able to draw the correct graph themselves when tested.
The Random Sine Graph program, produces a random sine graph on a grid with a given scale. First the student is asked to calculate the characteristics of amplitude, period, phase shift, and vertical shift. Then the student is asked to give the equation of the graph. There is a separate program where students are given the equation and then asked to make the graph.
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