About Laura's Fake Math Tutoring Business



About Laura

I've enjoyed math since first grade when I first learned the pattern of counting. All the other kids already knew how to count to one hundred or further, but I could barely count to ten. I asked my mom to teach me to count to one hundred so she did. I asked her what came next so she told me. I then figured out how to count to one hundred ninty nine. About three days later, I asked if the next number was two hundred and I was estatic when my mom said yet, for I now knew how to count to 'forever'. I have been hooked on math ever since. I was lucky to have a mom that only answered my questions and let me figure out the rest on my own. If she had try to teach me more than I asked for, she would have robbed me of the joy of figuring things out and quite likely I would not be where I am at today.

This brings me to where I am at today. I now have a master's degree in mathematics and I teach the subject at a community college. I have about fifteen years of college teaching experience and several more years of tutoring experience. After my second daughter was born, I began teaching online. This led me to my current passion.

I decided to put interactive programs in my online courses. I searched the internet and found several that I use, but I always had ideas for more. Now I am very much into programming and doing that along with raising a family, taking and teaching courses and trying to stay physically fit and competitive leaves me no spare time, so that is why the tutoring business is fake since I really don't have time for it.

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Created by: Laura Shears
e-mail: fakeEmail@fakeBusiness.com
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